Remembering Dad: A Legacy of Love, Dedication, and Wisdom

Remembering Dad: A Legacy of Love, Dedication, and Wisdom

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Losing a parent is an indescribable pain, a void that seems impossible to fill. On August 21, 2021, my world was shattered when my father, GVS Suryanarayana, passed away. As I write this, I am overwhelmed with emotions, memories, and an immense sense of gratitude for the man who shaped my life in so many profound ways.

A Life of Dedication and Sacrifice

My father dedicated over 39 years of his life to his profession, retiring as a chief manager at the State Bank of India in January 2020. His career was not just about achieving professional milestones; it was a testament to his unwavering commitment and work ethic. Throughout his career, he never took time to enjoy the leisure activities that many of us take for granted. Instead, he poured his heart and soul into building a secure and comfortable life for his family.

My father’s primary focus was on providing the best education for his children and ensuring that our home was a place of comfort and security. He was the backbone of our family, always taking care of his parents and in-laws with the same love and dedication he showed us. His life was a constant balancing act of responsibilities, yet he never faltered.

The Unseen Hero

It is only after his passing that I fully understood the magnitude of his sacrifices and the depth of his love. I often took him for granted, not realizing how integral he was to our family’s well-being. The feeling of being fatherless is a terrible plight, one that I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy. It is a stark reminder of how much he did for us and how much we depended on him.

Best Message Dad has given me

The Youngest of His Family

My father was the last born in his family, a position that often carries the connotation of being the beloved youngest. He was cherished by his parents and, in turn, became a source of pride and support for them. His role as the youngest child did not diminish his responsibilities; rather, it instilled in him a sense of duty and care that he carried throughout his life.

A Financial Genius

Beyond his role as a loving father and husband, my father was an excellent banker and an astute trader. He had an uncanny ability to identify good stocks by meticulously reading financial statements and company reports. His financial acumen ensured that our family was always in a comfortable position. Even after his death, we have no outstanding loans, and he has left us in a more secure and stable position than we could have ever imagined.

A Legacy of Love and Wisdom

My father’s legacy is not just one of financial stability but of love, wisdom, and unyielding dedication. He taught us the importance of hard work, integrity, and caring for one another. His life was a masterclass in balancing professional success with personal responsibilities. As I navigate life without him, I strive to honor his memory by embodying the values he lived by. His lessons continue to guide me, and his love remains a source of strength and inspiration. The pain of his absence is a constant reminder of the irreplaceable role he played in our lives.

A Tight-Knit Circle of Friends

Although my father had a small circle of friends, the bonds he shared with them were deep and meaningful. He valued quality over quantity, and the time he spent with his friends was filled with laughter, discussions, and camaraderie. These friendships were a testament to his loyal and kind nature, and they brought him great happiness.

A Typical Middle-Class Indian Father

In many ways, my father embodied the quintessential middle-class Indian father. He was a man of modest means but immense heart. He prioritized his family’s needs over his own, working tirelessly to ensure that we had a better future. He was frugal, practical, and deeply rooted in values of integrity and hard work. Despite the challenges, he managed to create a life of comfort and dignity for us.

Yet, he was extraordinary in his ordinariness. His ability to balance work and family, to manage finances astutely, and to foster a home filled with love and respect was remarkable. He was a provider, a protector, and a guiding light for us all.

Missing Him Every Day

Every day, I miss him more than words can express. The ache of his absence is a daily reminder of his importance. I long for the days when I could seek his advice, share my successes, and simply be in his presence. The realization of his irreplaceable role in our family hits hard, and the void he left is immense.

To get a father like him, one might have to be reborn, and even then, there are no guarantees. His qualities were so exceptional that they are rare to find. The love, care, and wisdom he imparted are treasures that I hold dear and strive to pass on.

This is message my father gave me when i was moving to bangalore to my new job, away from parents.

Best Message Dad has given me

As I reflect on my father’s life, I am filled with immense pride and gratitude. He was more than an excellent banker and trader; he was a loving father, a devoted husband, and a caring son and son-in-law. His life was a beacon of dedication and love, and his legacy will continue to inspire us.

My father, may no longer be with us, but his spirit and teachings live on. I miss him deeply and will forever cherish the memories and lessons he imparted. His life was a testament to the power of hard work, love, and unwavering dedication, and I am honored to be his son.

Rest in peace, Daddy. You are forever missed and forever loved.

With Love,


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