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Welcome to my blog, Sim’s Brain Stew, where I’ll be sharing my perspectives on food, engineering, technology, and my personal thoughts. I’m Ram Simran, but you can call me Sim. With over five years of experience, I’ve had the privilege of working for fintech startups at the beginning of my career, and I now find myself at India’s largest MNC, TCS. As a senior engineer, I manage a team of six people, focusing on system engineering, site reliability, and DevOps.

But my interests don’t stop at work. I am also an ardent foodie. Food has always been a passion of mine, and I believe that great food can bring people together and create beautiful memories. From experimenting with new recipes in my kitchen to exploring local cuisines during my travels, I’m always on the lookout for exciting flavors and gastronomic experiences.

In this blog, you can expect to find a delightful blend of my knowledge in engineering and technology, intertwined with my love for food and personal reflections. I’ll be sharing insights from the dynamic world of engineering, discussing the latest trends in technology, and offering practical advice in areas such as system engineering, site reliability, and DevOps practices.

But that’s not all! I’ll also be taking you along on my culinary adventures, sharing recipes, restaurant reviews, and stories from my experiences as a food enthusiast.

Lastly, I’ll be sharing some personal thoughts and reflections that are close to my heart. Life is not just about work and food; it’s also about introspection, personal growth, and finding happiness in the little things. Through my writing, I aim to explore these aspects and engage in meaningful conversations with my readers.

I’m excited to embark on this journey with you through Sim’s Brain Stew. Let’s delve into the world of food, engineering, tech, and personal musings together.



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