Cloud Services Compared

Cloud Services Compared

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AWS Service Description Azure Equivalent Functionality & Capabilities (Common/Different)
AWS VPC Virtual Private Cloud for network isolation Azure Virtual Network Common: Both provide network isolation. Different: Specific features and terminology.
AWS Elastic Container Service Orchestrates containers using Docker Azure Kubernetes Service Common: Both support container orchestration. Different: Azure has Azure Container Service.
AWS LoadBalancer Distributes network traffic across resources Azure Load Balancer Common: Both provide load balancing. Different: Specific features and pricing.
AWS Lightsail Simplified compute platform for small-scale applications Azure App Service Common: Both offer simplified app hosting. Different: Specific features and pricing.
AWS Elastic Beanstalk Platform-as-a-Service for deploying and managing apps Azure App Service Common: Both offer PaaS for app deployment. Different: Specific features and pricing.
AWS API Gateway Creates, publishes, and manages APIs Azure API Management Common: Both offer API management. Different: Specific features and pricing.
AWS S3 Object storage service Azure Blob Storage Common: Both offer object storage. Different: Specific features and pricing.
AWS CloudTrail Records AWS API calls for auditing and compliance Azure Monitor and Log Analytics Common: Both provide auditing capabilities. Different: Azure has Azure Monitor.
AWS CloudFront Content delivery network (CDN) service Azure Content Delivery Network Common: Both provide CDN services. Different: Specific features and pricing.
AWS CloudWatch Monitoring and observability service Azure Monitor Common: Both provide monitoring capabilities. Different: Specific features.
AWS CloudFormation Infrastructure as Code (IAC) service for provisioning Azure Resource Manager Common: Both offer IAC for resource provisioning. Different: Specific templates.
AWS EC2 Virtual machines (VMs) on demand Azure Virtual Machines Common: Both offer VMs. Different: Specific VM types and pricing.
AWS Outpost On-premises extension of AWS services Azure Stack Common: Both offer hybrid cloud solutions. Different: Specific services supported.
AWS IAM Identity and Access Management for AWS resources Azure Active Directory Common: Both provide identity and access management. Different: AWS vs. Azure AD.
AWS Fargate Serverless container management Azure Container Instances Common: Both offer serverless container management. Different: Specific features.
AWS Elastic Transcoder Media file transcoding service Azure Media Services Common: Both provide media services. Different: Specific features and pricing.
AWS Auto Scaling Automatic scaling of AWS resources Azure Autoscale Common: Both offer auto-scaling. Different: Specific configuration and metrics.
AWS Batch Batch processing at scale Azure Batch Common: Both offer batch processing. Different: Specific features and pricing.
AWS Lambda Serverless compute service Azure Functions Common: Both offer serverless compute. Different: Integration and triggers.
AWS Step Functions Visual workflows for coordinating AWS services Azure Logic Apps Common: Both offer workflow orchestration. Different: Integration and triggers.
AWS MQ Managed message broker service Azure Service Bus Common: Both offer messaging services. Different: Specific features and pricing.
AWS Simple Queue Service Managed message queuing service Azure Queue Storage Common: Both offer message queuing. Different: Specific features and pricing.
AWS MSK Managed Apache Kafka service Azure Event Hubs Common: Both offer event streaming. Different: Specific features and pricing.
AWS OpenSearch Service Managed Elasticsearch service Azure Elasticsearch Service Common: Both offer managed Elasticsearch. Different: Specific features and pricing.
AWS RDS Managed relational database service Azure SQL Database Common: Both offer managed databases. Different: Database engines supported.
AWS Neptune Managed graph database service Azure Cosmos DB Common: Both offer managed graph databases. Different: Specific features.
AWS Elastic Cache Managed in-memory data store service Azure Cache for Redis Common: Both offer in-memory caching. Different: Specific features and pricing.
AWS SageMaker Machine learning platform for building and deploying models Azure Machine Learning Common: Both offer machine learning platforms. Different: Specific features.
AWS Control Tower Helps set up and govern multi-account AWS environments Azure Blueprints Common: Both help with governance. Different: Specific services and policies.
AWS Route 53 Domain name system (DNS) web service Azure DNS Common: Both provide DNS services. Different: Specific features and pricing.



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