Remembering My Uncle: Surya Kumar Gullapalli

Remembering My Uncle: Surya Kumar Gullapalli

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Surya Kumar Gullapalli, known to me and many others as Babai, was the most respected and intelligent person in our extended family. His wisdom and guidance have left an indelible mark on my life. I want to share his story and how he significantly influenced my journey.

From a young age, Babai stood out as a beacon of knowledge and support. When the time came for me to choose a college for my bachelor’s degree, my parents wanted me to study in Vizag or Bangalore. This would have meant living with my grandparents in Vizag or staying at my sister’s place in Bangalore. However, Babai believed I deserved the best education and opportunities. He fought with everyone in the family to get me into Keshav Memorial Institute of Technology (KMIT) in Hyderabad. This decision turned out to be the best for me. Moving from Vizag to Hyderabad opened up a world of city exposure and new friendships. I owe this transformative experience entirely to him.

Babai’s wisdom and knowledge were unmatched. He had a natural ability to understand complex problems and provide simple yet effective solutions. His advice was always practical and based on his vast experience. He had a keen interest in technology and stayed updated with the latest trends, which made his guidance even more valuable.

Babai was also a big foodie and loved to cook for the family. His culinary skills spanned a wide range, from traditional Telugu cuisine to continental dishes. Some of my favorite memories are of him in the kitchen, making delicious noodles and pasta for us. His passion for cooking brought joy and togetherness to our family, and his meals were always a delightful treat.

One of the remarkable things about Babai was his generosity. He never hesitated to help anyone in need, whether it was financial assistance, career advice, or emotional support. His door was always open to family, friends, and even acquaintances who needed a helping hand. His kindness and compassion left a lasting impression on everyone who knew him.

Babai’s support didn’t end there. When my father passed away, I was devastated and fell into a deep depression. Making the heart-wrenching decision to pull the plug on my father’s ventilator, due to his multi-organ failure, was incredibly difficult. Babai stood by me during this unbearable time. He spoke to me, helped me understand that my father’s suffering needed to end, and supported me through the entire process, from the moment we made the decision to the 13th-day ritual. Despite the risks of COVID-19 and his own health problems, Babai never left our side. He was there when many others stayed away to avoid exposure.

After my father’s passing, Babai remained a constant presence in my life. He regularly checked in on me, listened to my problems, and always offered thoughtful solutions. His mentorship and guidance were invaluable, helping me navigate through tough times. Even up until the week before he died, Babai was in touch, showing his unwavering support and care.

Babai had a great sense of humor and could lighten up any room with his witty remarks. He believed in the power of laughter and often used it to diffuse tense situations.

Babai was a big believer in Advaitam Siddhantam by Shankaracharya and followed its principles throughout his life. He embraced the philosophy of non-duality, which taught him to see the divine presence in everyone and everything. This belief in the unity of all existence shaped his actions and interactions, guiding him to treat everyone with compassion, respect, and understanding.

In his family, Babai was equally respected and loved. He played a pivotal role in helping many relatives secure good jobs and trained them on how to appear for interviews. His generosity and willingness to help others succeed were unparalleled.

Babai passed away on March 16th after battling health issues. His loss is deeply felt, and I miss him every day. He wasn’t just an uncle to me; he was a father figure who stepped up when I needed it most. His wisdom, kindness, and strength have shaped who I am today.

Babai’s legacy will live on through the countless lives he touched and the many lessons he imparted. I am forever grateful for everything he has done for me and for being the incredible person he was.

In simple words, Babai was more than just an uncle to me; he was a mentor, a guide, and a second father. His presence in my life was a blessing, and his absence is deeply felt. Babai, you will always be missed and remembered with love and respect. Thank you for being a part of my life and for everything you have done for me. Swimming

Rest in peace, Baba. You are forever missed and forever loved.

With Love,


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